Draw Something Every Day: Day 2--Geek Girl

Here on day 2 of the "Draw Something Every Day" challenge, this one has a semi-strange inception.

I was talking with some on-line friends about how writers conference attendance is heavily dominated by female conferees. Fun for a guy looking for a mate, I suppose, but perhaps intimidating otherwise. Anyway, that got me thinking about how the population of Geek Girls is also on the upswing. So that led to the pondering: what's the right t-shirt to be the uniform for that club? Hence, the image above was born.

I foresee the silhouette overlaying chunky letters that form a pretty exact square that say "geek girl." I haven't found the right font yet, though, so that's why you see no lettering involved.

We shall see where this and the other other drawings that crop up over this challenge lead.


  1. I. LOVE. THIS.

    I would so totally wear this shirt.

    My daughter would so totally wear this shirt.

    Love it. LOVE IT.


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