Too good not to post everywhere

It is with great pleasure I take this moment to reveal to you the current object of my admiration. If I could play an antiphonal fanfare for double brass quintet as an introductory piece of music, I would.

Anyway, I have been waiting for weeks now to reveal to you the absolutely phenomenal cover art that will grace the front (and back) of my print version, volume I, of The Windrider Saga. So without further ado...

I want to thank the staggeringly talented Christina Hess for her inspired painting, and the always accommodating and gifted Jon Mills for his classic text layout. I am richly blessed to work with such gracious and artistic people.

And because you dropped by, I will also include an image of the full cover that will wrap the book. After all, the way Christina designed it to continue Majestrin's wing onto the back cover is way too cool to skip.

So keep an eye out! February 29th, the print compilation goes live. It will be available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble, so any of you who have been waiting for paper pages to turn, now is your chance. As always, I am deeply grateful to each one of you for your support.


  1. OOHHHMYGOODNESSTHISLOOKSPERFECT!!!! Will you be doing review ARCS????

    1. Thanks a million, Mirriam. Any reviewers I can get for the sake of Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, and the like are very welcome,so I will touch base with you about a review copy very soon. Thanks for asking. :)

  2. It is GORGEOUS, Becky! I bet you can't stop looking at it :).

    Ooh, and there's my endorsement. Cool! Can't wait to buy my copy!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Kat--especially for your excellent endorsement. Your kind words are humbling.

  3. Replies
    1. I appreciate the words of affirmation, Sheila. Thanks also for popping your head in and saying them!

  4. It is certainly a creature to be proud of! The cover and the book, not the dragon... well, that too actually. :)

    1. All of the above. And it would only be a fraction of what it is without your family's contributions, between layout and story critiques. You guys are gems.

  5. Congrats! This looks AWESOME, both the cover art and the story. I'll be on the look out for this one. :-)

    1. Thank you, Angela. I deeply appreciate your support, and I hope you enjoy. I'll be sure to let everybody know when the book sales pages go live.

  6. WOW - I already own kindle copies of both books seperately - now I need to own this one simply because of the breathtaking cover art!!!

    1. Here's hoping you're not alone in that sentiment. :) I feel incredibly blessed to have such a stunning piece of illustration around my little batch of words.

    2. Wow, that cover is gorgeous! Every author dreams of a cover of that caliber for their own book - congratulations on getting it!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It's a game of blogger tag, and I've just tagged you! You're it!
    For more information, visit my blog:

  9. I've already commented, but I was recently tagged with the "Versatile Blogger Award" and part of that is passing it on. I'm choosing you, Becky :). The details are on my blog:

    Have fun! And I still sooooooooooo love this cover!!!!!


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