A Recipe? What? I thought this was a writing blog...
Because I'm in the process of trying to make better use of a couple of my social media outlets (namely, Pinterest and Twitter) I'm going a little off the usual grid here and posting something completely unrelated to writing or fantasy or geekdom or faith. A recipe for pasta salad. I suppose you could relate it to writing because, hey, writers eat too. And they probably want to eat things that are easy and tasty so that we can get back to the keyboard full and happy. Because when we're not, we do awful things to characters. Wait--we do that anyway. Theory busted. Well, devoid of any connecting theory, here's the recipe some friends have been asking about. If I'm lucky, I can also figure out how to "pin" it over at the very mysterious hub of distraction. Pizza Pasta Salad This is pre-addition of the pasta and dressing, but the ingredient colors make me happy. A Lowbrow Yum Recipe by Becky Minor 3/4 of a box of your favorite pasta, cooked and...