Post-pourri--NaNo, Interviews, and More

Well friends...I headed into this month thinking I would keep you updated on NaNo, but I fear my little sidebar widget has been all I've been able to depend on for updates. It seems trying to write 1600+ words a day leaves me for very little time to blog. There are a few things I wanted to make sure you knew about though, aside from my NaNo mania.

This week, Jennette Mbewe is hosting a three-part interview and giveaway on her blog. We're trying to get as much word out about Curse Bearer as possible, so please drop by her posts. You can find the first one here: Jennette's fine blog interview. There will be subsequent posts on Wednesday and Friday.

You'll see there is a giveaway associated with the interview, which is hosted at my facebook page. By liking my page, tweeting or posting about my work, or reviewing Curse Bearer, you can gain entries into the giveaway for books, ebooks, tshirts, and artwork. Jennette worked hard to set up this excellent giveaway, so gain some entries yourself, then encourage your friends to as well. Here's the link to the giveaway!

And lastly, I wanted to let you know that I've uploaded a short story to first little self-publishing endeavor. The story is called Wish Wary, and it appeared in Digital Dragon last year. Now I'm offering it for $ .99...and I want to commit the proceeds from the story to some of the expenses that we'll incur as we set up The Faith and Fantasy Alliance. If you're wondering what that is, check the Faith and Fantasy Alliance Blog to get a feel for the mission of that group.

That's all for me tonight...I'm off to go cast my vote in this year's election. I hope you did too, and that you voted your conscience.


  1. Voted and proud to be an American!

    I'm finding the same thing about Nano. It sucks up all my words and I have none left over for blogging. Going to try to remedy that tonight, though. Good luck in your endeavors!


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